As you probably know, one of the exciting things going on in my life right now is the founding and running of (care)cincinnati. Unfortunately, it is extremely hard to find time in my busy schedule to run this organization. I can't do it during work because...well...I'm getting paid to work. My employer is already very supportive and understanding, but that just wasn't an option.
I won't do it at home because I value my time with Sammy and Amy too much. I'm already away every Thursday night for Southwest Ohio Symphonic Band rehearsal and some Wednesday nights for Microsoft Office classes that I teach at The Healing Center. The last thing that I want to do is be unavailable even more. Not only is it inconsiderate, but we all really enjoy this time together. He'll never be four again.
So, the only time left is my lunch hour. However, if I stay at my desk, I can never get anything done. People come up to me all the time to talk or ask questions. My phone will ring and I will invariably answer it. Plus, I just can't clear my head of all of the work stuff to concentrate on the outreach stuff.
I had been praying about it for awhile and finally found a solution. If I can afford to purchase a laptop computer, I can work from the lunch/break room at my place of employment and, in addition, have all of the information in one central place. This seemed dead-in-the-water since I didn't have any money...until I remembered that I had just recieved a vested stock grant from my employer. If I sold a percentage of the shares, I would have enough money to buy the netbook (and needed stuff), register us as a not-for-profit corporation, gain our 501(c)3 status, and start fundraising.
It took me all of 5 minutes to find a buyer. In fact, 4 people offered to buy the stock. Later, Amy reminded me that the shares wouldn't be available in my portfolio until February; the buyer offered to pay me advance anyway. Awesome.
So, after much research, I settled on the Toshiba NB205. It has everything that I wanted (small size, large keyboard, Windows 7, and long battery life) and it was affordable. Best Buy had the best price and one was in-stock at our neighborhood store.
So, (care)cincinnati now has an office. I will start updating the website often, blogging about out activities on the website, and writing grant proposals to benefactors. I will be writing thank you's, requesting donations, organizing outings, and designing newsletters. I am so excited.
Anyone else have a netbook? Like it? Love it? Hate it? This sounds interesting: Hackintosh.
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