I've been thinking more and more about what it would mean to be homeless and/or living in poverty. I know that many people see homelessness as a choice, or "the easy way out." I'm sure that there are those for whom that is the truth. However, I believe that to be the exception to the rule. Unfortunately, that is also the stereotype that many people attach to the panhandler living amongst our parks, fountains, and stoops.
I know that I can't eradicate poverty. I know that I can't get every homeless man and women a roof and three squares. But there is one thing that I do know how to do: make music.
There are a couple ideas that I have been bouncing around.
1) getting together a group of singer friends (and non-singers that want to go) and setting up shop near P.B.S. before a Bengals game. I thought that it might be cool to work with one or more of the drumming guys down there to help them get more tips.
2) getting together a similar group of instrumentalists and doing the same thing. May. With a group of singers.
3) performing FOR the homeless during the game. I have a feeling that the just wait for the game to let out. A little musical entertainment couldn't be less interesting...or maybe it would.
In conjunction with all of this, I would like to put together some bags with some things that would be either essential or a luxury to someone that doesn't have a roof to call their own:
1) gloves, scarves and hats (bought at the Totes Outlet with donations. Believe it or not, I'm also learning to knit so that I can make them while I watch tv shows/sports.
2) crank radio/flashlight (this would be a little bit harder, but maybe there's a benefactor out there.)
3) granola bars, candy bars, reusable water bottles.
I know that this sounds ambitious, but I can't get it out of my head. Surely some of you work for companies that have entire storerooms of 'swag' left over from some event. Maybe you know someone that owns a business that has a big heart. I've seen tons of those drawstring backpacks around...I'm sure that there's a lonely box somewhere.
I need help with this for it to ever work. Do you feel the same pull to help "the least of our brothers"?
Comment below or send me an e-mail. Let's cut through the stereotypes and help the people.
1 comment:
Jon, I think this is an awesome idea. I work with knitters and crocheters here to make hats & scarves for people in need-- go for it!
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